Friday, January 2, 2009

Time to go home and the pressure is on.

Well... my stay in Utah with my family has been great! Spending time with Isaiah is priceless. Now, that it is time to go home my good byes are bittersweet....I can't wait to go home, but I will miss EVERYONE here. The family feel that the Fieldings (my brother's in-laws) have given is very welcoming.

Why am I writing about this? Well it seems that Nick is not the only one that thinks that Utah should be my home. During my very short visit a minimum of 6 people commented on my moving here more than once. Emily (my sister-in-law) said to me on multiple occasions "You could live with us." "Your mom could move too" every house we drive by Emily says "that one is for sale" Today she enticed me with: "You could go yard saleing and boutiquing with us all of the time!" "When you come this summer we are going house hunting" She even promised tickets to Oprah and a trip to Disneyland!! I think that Emily might know my weaknesses. Emily's final promise: "I will find you a husband (not that she hasn't tried the entire time I have been here)." Emily caught me in the promise that if Erin would teach me to sew I would move. BIG MISTAKE! She is still reminding me that I promised. Cami (Emily's sister) told me "You should totally move here" and "Your going to teach here?" Alicia (Emily's other sister) stated "If you lived down here you could see Isaiah ever day." Erin made many suggestions of school districts to teach in, salary, even the benefits I would receive. Her final comment "Ohhhh we could find you a husband" as if it was the best challenge she had ever heard of. Mark (Erin's husband) said "We have an extra room." Even when I told him that I had three labs he said "Bring them!" they have one of their own (that would be 4 labs). I am sorry if you ever read this Clint, but everyone around here has our entire wedding planned (or at least that it should happen), including your parents the only one who doesn't.... Nick (well Emily did say that she didn't like that because she wanted to remain the favorite in-law). The final attempt to have the last Hammerstad in Yakima move to Utah was... Nick job searching for me. Even looking up what it would take to get a Utah teaching certificate.
Does anyone but me feel the PRESSURE?????? AHHHHHH!!!!!


  1. Jaime If you feel like God is Leading your path to Utah and you are unsure. Pray long and Hard. It was really hard for Me to leave Yakima. But I think it was the best thing for me. You can start a whole New life, New You. If for some odd reason you just hate it after a year or so. It not hard to move back.
    Love ya
