Monday, January 5, 2009

Faith like that of a child

As I was driving to work this morning. Yes, I am back to work. Anyway, as I was driving to work this morning thinking about greeting my students and listening to positive life radio two things came to me all at once. The first was that Jesus reminded us many times that we should have faith like that of a child. This started my brain working as I was also preparing my rule reminding speech for my third graders. What if the whole world followed my three simple classroom rules? Wouldn't the world be a better place? Think about it: BE SAFE, BE RESPECTFUL and SOLVE THAT PROBLEM (with out my assistance). Could you imagine if everyone, world leaders and all followed these? Phew what a world that would be!
This also reminded me of the very old show "Kids say the darnedest things!" and the many stories I could contribute to that show after 7 years of teaching. So here is a story that might start your weight loss New Year's resolution off. Many of you know that I broke my foot this summer and started the school year off in a cast. My student's loved this, not because I was disabled and they could get away with breaking the rules but because it gave them tremendous opportunities to be the "teacher's helper" (see if only the world worked this way). Anyhow, I eat lunch with all of my homework heroes on Fridays. On this particular Friday due to the pain killers heat and cast I did not eat very much of my lunch. I asked a near by student if he would please throw my tray away (very difficult on crutches). He was more than willing, but after he took a couple of steps with my tray he turned around and said: "Ms. Hammerstad you didn't eat your lunch?!" I replied " I know I am not that hungry." He thought for a minute and very seriously said "you have to eat otherwise with out your vegetables your foot will not get better!" Morale of the story EAT YOUR VEGETABLES! Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. that's so cute. i love it. kids do say the cutest things. i wish we all could be like children too. i love how plain and simple life can be with God in it.
